It was the German model community, where we discovered her. We like to introduce you to up and coming model Verona Amma Bediako from the south of Germany. Take a look at several of her photos and read our interview with her to learn more about this model with the beautiful smile. |
I am 18 years old. I was born in Karlsruhe, Germany and I am still living here. I finished with secondary school and from September on I will start my training as a sport and gymnastic teacher at a sportschool in Karlsruhe. From May I will start work again. Besides modelling I am in my Gospel church very active through my ministries for example: teaching the children dance choreographys. I helped with the Imbiss. We got our youth meetings, prayer meeting and church services.
What I love most about the modeling is sharing my faith, when I meet new people, travelling and always gettting new experience.
What’s been the highlight of your career so far? The highlight of my model career was so far, that I went to Berlin during the Berlin Fashionweek to represent bride dresses and designer jackets. Tell us about some of your recent shoots. My last recent was last summer in Stuttgart. It was an outdoor shooting and shooting in the studio as well. My recent shoots were indoor and outdoor shoots and tfp. Expect of one indoor shoot for an online shop. I never worked with professional photographers yet so. Probably in the future I can. What really goes behind a scene as a Model? A lot of patience is needed and professionalism, to keep the body fit with healthy food and sports organization, also stressful, some pressure and etc.. Define your personal style. My Personal style is very varied: Casual and elegant and not to colorful. I need to add something to my personal style african mode is also part of it. My Style is unique so I would say I dont have a style muse. I look all over and see which defines me more Your favourite designer is… ? I don’t have yet a favorite designer. Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar? Vogue. Is there any particular designer piece you are crushing on right now? No. |
I hope that in the next 5 years moving out from home, finishing my training as a sport and gymnastic teacher and would start my dance teacher training and besides this I would be an international professional model, that represents popular designer brands and working abroad, building my own danceschool with classes and teaching and staying active in my Gospelchurch too. At the End only God knows what will happen and where he is taking me too.
If I could be anywhere else but here, where would you go?
I would go to Africa to Ghana where my parents are from and would go to America and England, France, Italy (Verona, Rom, Vendice), Seychelles, Maldives, France (Paris) with Ghana, America (New York etc.), Spain (Barcelona, Mardrid) and England (London etc.). I would go everywhere, visit every city, that I can. I am an open person.