Looking throughout the web, we spotted a very interesting young lady. Latex-Model and travel journalist Lara Larsen was just 17, when she came into contact with Latex.
She had an appointment with friends in a discotheque. Her boyfriend at that time wanted to pick her up in the evening and said, that he would bring a small gift. Lara still remembers, how much she was looking forward to this and opened it immediately, of course. Keeping two black mat rubber things in her hand, she then was a little irritated. At first she thought, that her boyfriend wanted to make a joke, because even then she loved fashion and especially shiny things. It was the time, when a lot people started buying black shiny leggings and tops. |
With a sweet gesture her boyfriend quickly tried to save the situation and showed her, how this rubber could be made to shine. Still a little confused, Lara was doing him the favor and tested these stockings. And already after she had put the first one, she was very excited of wearing it. Of course, she didn’t show him. But she noticed for herself, that something feels new and interesting. Finally Lara really was convinced, when she saw, how perfect they fit and how fantastically the gloss came to light after polishing. Something happened to Lara that night.
Since then Lara almost every night wore these stockings and meanwhile it had become quite normal for her to wear shiny leggings and tops.
It then was an incredibly coincidence, that Lara was sitting in a café in Hamburg, writing about this beautiful city as her first journalistic job, when she for a short break came in a conversation with
her neighbor and it turned out, that it was the photographer Norman Richter. She hasn’t heard of him before, but found his photos beautiful. So they met some time later for a small first photo shoot and, as you can imagine, it was followed by a lot more shoots. Today Lara combines her passion for travel with her interest in fashion and latex. We recommend you to take a look at her amazing website and view a lot more of her photos and interesting articles. |