You already have seen her on our 'picture of the day' of the 25th of October 2015. Now we like to introduce you a bit more to model Alba María Galán Mena, who is based in Sevilla, Spain. Watch some of her amazing pictures and read our interview with her ... here in ZZ Model Feature:
Alba María, why modelling?
What I love of being a model is, that what I do, is seen and appereciated by people and also because they know me for what I like to do.
What do you love most about modelling?
It has been myself, since I have done, what I wanted in every step, thinking in aims, which I have got gradually.
What’s been the highlight of your career so far?
Yes, until now, my work is related with the fashion World, such as catwalk or photography. Recently, I have been working as a hostess and pose for different companies.
What really goes on behind the scenes as a model?
Behind is a normal person with the same personality as another one, with qualities, faults and imperfections, but with a huge motivation for her job.
Which photographers in the industry do you most enjoy working with?
I have enjoyed all of the shots, that I have done, but specially I loved one with the photographer Miguel Angel Moya, since it was a funny session, peaceful and with the best results.
Define your personal style.
My style is quite classical. Also the way, I think or the way, I live. I'm only wearing normal clothes. On weekends I wear trendy clothes. My lifestile is quiet and funny at the same time, since I split my time to be able to do all what I like.
Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar?
I would prefer "Vogue " because of the organization, matters of interest, etc.
What do you hope to be doing in the next 5 years?
I hope to end up my degree and be able to pass the final test to be a excellent teacher and of course, go on with the fashion world, since I love it.
If you could be anywhere else but here, where would you go?
I would love to go to United States because I consider there is the fashion World, also I would like to go to London.