... became a hobby to photographer Martin van der Veen, that got bigger and bigger ...
Martin started with photography in 2006. He is an autodidact. Landscapes and architecture photography were his first love.
Capturing the beauty in everyday’s moment became a hobby… this hobby just grew bigger and bigger…
Landscapes changed to portraiture photography, retouching became more important and more assignments kept coming.
Nowadays Martin only pick the assignments, he likes or is interested in (national / international)… the models, he works with, are mostly local although he gets numerous requests via social media every week.
The way, he works, is normally very simple: “First you have the idea or inspiration. This can be anything … from a movie to a certain location, where you capture a model. Second is the search for a model, who fits this theme or concept and the correct location. Last but not least, look for the correct light and shoot”
Martin loves to work with available light. His flashunits mostly remain in their covers… and yeah… he’s a fullframe Nikonian.