Clara Maria and Christian met each other in a Facebook group. Christian was immediately impressed by her. Already for some time he had the idea of doing a Street Fashion / hip-hop shoot and immediately knew, that Clara Maria was the right model to perform in such a shooting. He also had a potential location in mind, which he had discovered a few weeks beforeago while running. It is the reverse side of a waste separation system, that can be used legally for graffiti and where some graffiti art is perpetuated. In front of the graffiti wall there are some shut down railroad tracks, that Christian wanted to integrate in the shoot. With Oleksandra Borshchyk they immediately found a great stylist. They both wanted to have a colorful make-up and Oleksandra had the ideas to implement this.
On the day of the shoot, it was very windy and cold and it looked like as if it was going to rain at any moment. But the team spirit always remained high and so all were motivated to pull the shoot. Although we all met for the first time in person, we all immediately noticed that the chemistry between us is good one! After we got warm by taking some shots, Clara Maria started to use the railway by performing in a creative way. Her dancing skills helped to find the appropriate pose with ease and thanks to the many movement she was getting warmer!
For the session Christian was equipped with a Sony A7 and SEL-2470Z lens. The location was in the shade and so he could mainly work with available light. Additional he was particularly lightening Clara Maria's face from the left side with a shoe-mounted Yongnuo flash and a Walimex-light umbrella. That helped to isolate the model better of the environment and to highlight her face and makeup. The camera settings were as follows: Focal Length 35mm, f / 4, ISO 400 and shutter speed 1 / 250s.
Congratulations to all the team for this amazing photo and thank you all for let us publish it here in Streetfashion MagZZine.