It is more than a year ago, that we discovered his work on Facebook. He's not just a photographer. He's also an entrepreneur, manager and traveller, who has seen and captured things around him in different countries. Today we like to show you more of his amazing photos and introduce to you New York based photographer Mickey Holiday with an interview. |
Mickey, please tell us a little bit about yourself to begin with. (How old are you, Where were you born and where do you live now, What is your profession and do you have other besides photography?
My name is Mickey Holiday, I am 30 years old. I was born in Sangre Grande, Trinidad (Caribbean Sea). I am of both Trinidadian and Venezuelan decent. Though I was born in Trinidad, I moved to New York City at the tender age of six. East Flatbush, Brooklyn is where I currently reside and spent most of my life. However, I lived six years in Japan and a few years in other states while attending college and working abroad.
Have you been involved in the arts in some form other than photography?
In many ways, Yes! Though, I never considered myself an artist and actually started off studying medicine, only to graduate with two business degrees, I have always found myself surround by artists no matter the environment
In many ways, Yes! Though, I never considered myself an artist and actually started off studying medicine, only to graduate with two business degrees, I have always found myself surround by artists no matter the environment
Seeing your remarkable work, I am curious where your creativity comes from? I have always seen things differently and at the same time, I have always love to capture things the way I saw them. Could you share with us how you first became interested in photography? For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for photography. It was not until 2004 while managing a local and very popular music group in Japan that I would begin to take photography more seriously and transition into the professional I am today. This was around the same time Myspace was pretty popular and the businessman in me saw the potential and opportunity of create a social footprint on the web. In order to achieve this,I knew that the members of the group needed to have great photos that would portray a certain image/branding. We even had a handful of female fans who would model our merchandise and promote our events. However, we had a few problems, many photographers were charging way to much for mediocre work and due to communication issues we were not able to get what we wanted from others. So, I began to shoot and continued even after the group broke up. At first I was mostly self taught but along the way I meet some great and even famous photographers who gave great tips. What equipment are you using now and with what did you get started? what is your favorite lens? I am #TeamCanon. My first DSLR was the Canon Xsi. I had this camera for many years and everyone was shocked that it was what I used to capture my work at the time. Later I would upgrade to a Canon 60D, and then finally to a Canon 5D Markiii. Throughout this time period, I have collected a variety of lens (8-15 f4,17-40 f4, 24-105 f4, 50 f1.2, 85 f1.2, 100 f2.8, and a few others). My favorite lens would have to be the canon 85mm F1.2. In My opinion there is nothing shaper and better when it comes to making portraits. Can you tell us about your work flow from the point until you showcase the developed picture? Most of my workflow is setting up the shoot. This means getting everyone together at the right location and hopefully on time. I am blessed with having a friend who owns and manage a well known make up school here in New York City, so finding a make-up-artist is half the battle. The other is coordinating with models and or clients, whom I intend to work with. As for the actual photography, I try my best to get everything right in the camera. After all I am not a graphic designer and I don't liking wasting time fixing things that could have been avoided. Which make my turn around time only a few days (Three to Four max). |
Do you see a particular influence, be it a photographer or school on your work? Any subject that attracts you?
This may sound really weird but we live in an ever changing world and as a photographer I am influenced by capturing and preserving the beauty in which I view. At the same time, I love empowering people and especially woman by capturing a side that they never thought existed. For example a while back, I shoot a East Indian medial student that was blowing away by her photoshoot. With a bit of makeup, lights, and positioning she went form pretty girl next door to supermodel. The satiation and gratitude shared by her approval was priceless.
This may sound really weird but we live in an ever changing world and as a photographer I am influenced by capturing and preserving the beauty in which I view. At the same time, I love empowering people and especially woman by capturing a side that they never thought existed. For example a while back, I shoot a East Indian medial student that was blowing away by her photoshoot. With a bit of makeup, lights, and positioning she went form pretty girl next door to supermodel. The satiation and gratitude shared by her approval was priceless.
What would you say characterizes your work in comparison to other photographers?
These days I believe that many photographer rely on their equipment an editing software. I am not saying that is a bad thing but in my opinion a photographer must also rely on his/her eyes just as before taking the photos.
Among your works, which is your favorite and why?
I must say that shooting my friend, the medical student, is my favorite work. I was able to capture her in all her beauty and bring out all aspects of her that she loved.
Tell us your funniest or most awkward photography story.
Wardrobe miss functions and models trying to close reflectors are always a good laugh.
What would you tell a newcomer who asks for your advice on how to start?
The best advice I can give nay newcomer to photography is to find your niche and try to perfect it moment you can.