He's the photographer of Streetfashion MagZZine's Cover February 2019 with model Soph Handy. Today we like to show you some more of his beautiful photos and introduce you to photographer Gary Ward with an interview. Gary, please tell us a little bit about yourself to begin with. (How old are you, Where were you born and where do you live now, What is your profession and do you have other besides photography? Hi, im 36 years old born in Sunderland and now live in Washington, north east England. I've been a full time Postman now for over 18 years which is still my full time job and photography in spare time. No other involvement with any other Arts. |
Seeing your remarkable work, I am curious where your creativity comes from?
My creativity? I think that's where I lack.. I can use my camera well but must try to get more creative, well at least I think so! Landscape photography has helped a lot with compositions at times.
Could you share with us how you first became interested in photography?
Starting out in photography I literally decided one day to get a "decent camera". It was a Canon 70D almost 3 years to the day or writing this! Not sure I had any real plans for it, but I am known to buy gadgets I don't need haha, it was a surprise it even got used! But it did... a lot! At least 3-5 times a week with landscapes. Then nearly a year ago I got into the portrait photography side.
What equipment are you using now and with what did you get started? I now Use a Canon 5dmk4 with a backup 6D and various Canon/Sigma art lenses, godox lighting. What is your favorite lens? Favourite lens has to be the 85mm 1.2 canon L, makes backgrounds a delight! Can you tell us about your work flow from the point until you showcase the developed picture? Workflow is pretty simple, i'm quite quick with my processing, some may say too fast/not enough but i'm happy with the results/time ratio and will never spend hours editing a picture, just not for me!! Camera-lightroom-sent! Usually have a selection finished the same day mostly finished the next depending on spare time. |
Do you see a particular influence, be it a photographer or school on your work?
I don't really look around much for influencers, but have had help from fellow photographers letting me help and shoot along side them, which has been great and i'm very thankful for! Other than that I like to try use some landscape skills to help make the image a bit different, many I have not tried yet and still need to try and plan!
Among your works, which is your favorite and why?
I don't have 1 favourite! but it has to be some of the shots, where you had put in a bit more effort and it just turned out well! has to be location work too and nothing worse than when it doesn't come together (usually the weather) recently though i've taken a couple, which are among my faves! the pier shot before sunrise and some of the beach dunes shots because of the lovely natural light.
Tell us your funniest or most awkward photography story.
Most of the shoots I do especially with other photographers have some funny moments but an awkward one was one of my first shoots on location with a model and my brand new light got a bit "wet" haha it went off completely and had to dig out a speed light, still managed but stressed me out and felt a bit stupid!
What would you tell a newcomer who asks for your advice on how to start?
Any advice i'd give to anyone starting would be firstly just get out and shoot as much as you can...i'd be out 4-5 times a week taking pics of landscapes, but nobody to please other than myself, so no worries or pressure. Doesn't even have to be with a person just learn how to use your camera first. Makes a huge difference. Still see people trying to figure out what's "wrong" who have been shooting years. Then maybe add people into the mix or friends first! Most of all just shoot anything... lots!