During the last months he uploaded several of his fantastic photos to Streetfashion MagZZine's Flickr group. It was then beginning of October, as we asked him to be published in Streetfashion MagZZine. Today we like to show you more of his amazing photos and introduce to you Melbourne based photographer Allen Ai with an interview. |
Allen, please tell us a little bit about yourself to begin with. (How old are you, Where were you born and where do you live now, What is your profession and do you have other besides photography?
G’day from Australia. My name is Allen AI, was born in Qingdao, China; fully operational for 28 years, on board Melbourne Australian from 2007 until now. Graduated from Monash Uni major in Accounting, work as a travel planner currently.
Have you been involved in the arts in some form other than photography?
Not from what I know, as a fact, I have no talent in the arts in any forms other than photography.
Not from what I know, as a fact, I have no talent in the arts in any forms other than photography.
Seeing your remarkable work, I am curious where your creativity comes from? Thanks about that, I couldn’t see they are remarkable work, I can only rate average above for those works, still have plenty things to learn. As for creativity, basically from two aspects: online resources for one hand including photography forums, social media, I’d like to chasing photos which will inspired me. On the other hand, daily life/people/places, I deliver pizza off time from study gives me the chance to know people and this current travel planer job provide the opportunity to the best part of this city. Could you share with us how you first became interested in photography? We had an Olympus film camera when I was young, and I was curious how it works. So I started to use it, take some random photos, thought highly interesting. After I started new life in Melbourne, I found this city is epic and it is necessary to take some pictures for memory as well as sharing with family and friends. Turns out it triggers my interests. What equipment are you using now and with what did you get started? I’m using Nikon full frame DSLR for now, grab the old Nikon D80 for starter and then switch to D7000 about three years after. |
What is your favorite lens? Can you tell us about your work flow from the point until you showcase the developed picture?
24-70mm for zoom lens, same with most photographers. 85mm for prime lens for my own creativity. As for work-flow, there is no particular process and it always changed case by case. But generally, I will had complete idea about upcoming shoot including what the theme is, what I want tell by those pics; then setup the plan, complete the shooting, following by retouching. Finally I will review the whole process, figure out what are the pros and cons.
24-70mm for zoom lens, same with most photographers. 85mm for prime lens for my own creativity. As for work-flow, there is no particular process and it always changed case by case. But generally, I will had complete idea about upcoming shoot including what the theme is, what I want tell by those pics; then setup the plan, complete the shooting, following by retouching. Finally I will review the whole process, figure out what are the pros and cons.
Do you see a particular influence, be it a photographer or school on your work?
When I was in Uni, ‘photo media’ was picked-up for my elective unit, I definitely benefited lots of things from it.
What would you say characterizes your work in comparison to other photographers?
Unpredictable I presume, since I never followed the rules and always improvise, nobody knows what coming next. LO
Among your works, which is your favorite and why?
This probably is my most favorable photo. This photo was taken during my visit to Nepal, seniors were the most admirable people in the local community, we chatted little bit with the help from local tour guide, I was inspired and shocked by what she experienced. It was speechless to address my feelings by that time, so I asked her permission to take a photo for her to present my respect. After that, I hand in this photo for Siena International Photography Competition, sadly, stopped before grand finale. |
Tell us your funniest or most awkward photography story.
Like the Uyuni in Bolivia, we have Lake Tyrrell in Victoria, roughly 4.5 hours driving, northwest side away from Melbourne. I was there for two days later Sep 2016, plan to shoot a time-lapse (daytime and night) of Lake Tyrrell, so I stay with all my equipment, along, at the middle of remote area of the lake for the whole night. You can’t imagine how scare it was, but on the other hand, you will be enjoyed by the most magnificent milky way.
What would you tell a newcomer who asks for your advice on how to start?
Photography can be either private enjoyment or masterpiece of art, it provides you the best opportunity to observe the life around you, to look and to feel the best moment that people probably ignored from other points of view. You might find the fun and enjoyed.